Thursday, October 14, 2004

Black and White, Blue and Red?

Well who is it going to be? I'm thousands of miles away from it all and guess what?...... I have just finished watching Bush/Kerry III.

Why? Umm look at it this way the guy who ends up leading the country of the stars and stripes can really make a huge difference in the world I live in. No shit that nobody likes it but its the absolute truth. It's not a good thing nor is it bad, its just the way it is.

Do I care who's elected....Yes
Do they care for my country....Absolutely not!
Does it matter who's in the 'white house'......hell yes!

Why?....Simple. Bush comes into the 'white house' and all hell breaks loose. Maybe he has all the right to go after Sadam, Osama, et al but what are the consequences to me, my country and millions like me? Tragic! Can't get a job because of my faith, can't travel and can't drive (sky rocketing gas prices etc). Tragic! The whole world seems to have gone insane...there's killing everywhere..Iraq, Afghanistan, Dafur, Nigeria, New York etc.

Kerry..will he be different? Let's put it this way....It can't get any worse than it is right? Anybody else but Bush! I doubt whether the civilised world can survive another Bush term, there's already too much killing, too much hatred....It is time for healing the wounds and let the true human spirit take pride of place in the world..huh? Ok what I mean is let the good in the world shine over the darkness that have engulfed the world since 2000.


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